Round Table, BDW '23
Barcelona Design Week, 2023
Industrial property arising from the circular economy. The case of packaging
A day of debate and reflection on how the new intangible elements (brands, designs and patents) are modifying the perception of current packaging and the value chain.
Within the framework of the Barcelona Design Week 2023, Jose F López-Aguilar has been invited on behalf of OiKo Design Office to participate in the round table of this conference organised by Barcelona centre de Disseny
and ACCIÓ.
Organised by: Barcelona Centre de Disseny, ACCIÓ
Participants: Pablo Molina (founder of Sumbox), Andreu Gomà (managing director of Batllegroup), Ismael Domingo (CEO of Proeco Químicas), José F. López Aguilar (CEO of Oiko Design Office and researcher at ELISAVA Research) and Beatriz Requena (Legal Manager & Compliance Officer of Quadpack Group). Moderated by Mireia Curell (Managing Partner of Curell Suñol).