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Conference "Models of sustainability through materials"
Advanced Materials Cluster of Catalonia, 2023

Sustainability models through materials


The MAV Cluster of Advanced Materials of Catalonia organised the conference 'Sustainability models through materials' on 16 March at Disseny Hub Barcelona, with the collaboration of Barcelona Design Centre and Materfad.


The conference dealt with sustainability models through materials, such as the Cradle to Cradle® model, and featured different experiences and success stories of companies that apply them, including OiKo Design Office, Lúcid Design Agency and Magrada Proyectos. At the end of the session, a visit was made to Materfad, the Barcelona Materials Centre.


ORGANISATION: Clúster de Materials Avançats de Catalunya, Barcelona Design Centre and Materfad


PARTICIPANTS: Wolf Coene (consultant at Eco Intelligent Growth), Carlos Jiménez (head of circular innovation at Lúcid Design Agency), Jose F. López-Aguilar (co-founder and director of research and design at OiKO Design Office) and Matias Gravenhorst (founder and director at Magrada Proyectos).

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