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27 chairs (biography of a chair)
Il lacions Gallery, 2021

The exhibition at the il.lacions gallery showcases 27 chairs resulting from extensive research into the aesthetics of recycled plastics, color, and a new industrial design that connects the worker with the piece and involves them in its final finish.


Over the course of a year, we delved into the possibilities of post-consumer recycled plastics, exploring various sources and mixtures to achieve an expressive level and aesthetics that play with the senses, confuse them, surprise them, and tell a story that goes beyond the object.

silla plástico diseño reciclado textura vetas blanco y negro
silla plástico diseño reciclado textura vetas blanco y negro foco luz directa
silla plástico diseño reciclado textura vetas amarillo patas tubular negro
diferentes partes silla plástico diseño reciclado colores varios carretilla con pellets material
27 sillas4.jpg
27 sillas8.jpg
diferentes partes silla plástico diseño reciclado colores varios
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